* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Moving Update

I haven't posted in a while but this has been in the works for a couple weeks.  We are moving from AZ! To southern California.  I am super excited but also sad to be leaving my family.  That part will be really hard.  Alan finally got his promotion.  He will be the Senior Director of Admissions for Argosy University - Orange County Campus.  He is very excited and nervous.  It's a lot the same as what he does now but a lot different too.  His last day of work here in AZ is tomorrow then he leaves for Cali on Saturday morning.  The house sold in 12 hours (as I knew it would).  We went out and found a place to live.  It's little and expensive but it was one of the best options we saw.  The townhouse is in Tustin and its a nice area.  The schools suck but I'll find a way to make that work out, even if I have to drive them to a different district......

It's crazy that this is finally happening since he's been trying for a position like this for about 8 months.  Everyone keeps teasing me that I am just trying to get out of my new calling as Primary President.  Honestly,
I was actually enjoying it for the most part.  But I know this is the right move for us. Too many stars aligned the right way for Alan to get this job.  It will be such a great career opportunity for him.  And I will be able to simplify my life a bit.  I won't be selling real estate or have a job of any kind.  I will have 2 kids in school & no calling..... It will be a good chance for me to focus on trying to be a better Mom and Wife.  And I do need to work on that.  Hopefully it will also be a good chance for me to focus on getting myself back into better shape.  I've been trying but I could be doing so much more.  Maybe I'll start eating less crap too because food is SOOO expensive there, just like everything else. 

The kids are super excited to move because we will be close to the beach.  I don't think they realize that we won't be getting to go to the beach that often.  And I'm pretty sure that not seeing Kelly's family any more will be a huge deal, but I don't think that will really sink in until we've been gone for a week or 2 and we can't just go over to play.  All in all, I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has answered my prayers and helped this happen for us.  We needed change, especially me.  And Alan needed to progress in his Job for sanity's sake.  I hope he will enjoy it and be happy there and successful.  Now I just have to work extra hard at being deserving of the blessing!

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