* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Primary President

Based on the title of the post, you can probably guess that I got a new calling 2 weeks ago.  You know how sometimes you have a feeling when something like this is coming?  Well this time I didn't.  I was completely blindsided!  I was super stressed out the week between the Sunday the call was issued and the Sunday I was sustained.  I was still serving in the RS presidency with a lot on my plate.  Plus I was overwhelmed with a VERY busy work schedule.  My life was complete chaos that week, and I was supposed to be pondering counselor choices and I just couldn't drown out the noise so that I could feel the spirit.  I was so overwhelmed that I just broke down and cried multiple times.  (To my credit, I didn't cry in front of the Bishop when the call was issued.)  I don't know why I was called, but I have come to the very serious conclusion that Heavenly Father wanted to know if I would do whatever he asked of me.  I had been complaining about having too much on my plate for about a month before Bishop asked me to be the PP.  I kept telling Alan that the only way I could see to lighten the load would be to ask to be released from the RS Presidency.  Apparently Heavenly Father thinks I can handle more that I think I can.

Also, I was stressed and scared because I've never really had a primary calling.  I was a teacher with Alan for about a month before we moved from Brigham & I have served in Nursery which isn't really the same.  But essentially I haven't been "in" primary for the last 22 years.  That combined with my sour disposition toward children convinced me that I wasn't quite sure I'd be good at the job.  I'm still not......

But Sunday was my first week "in charge" so to speak.  And it went much better than I thought it might.  Sure, jr. primary was really noisy and wiggly, but I really enjoyed myself.  I have been serving in RS or Sunday School for so long that the change was really  nice.  It's completely different and quite honestly, I think I'm going to be less stressed that I was either time I was a counselor in the RS.  More "stuff" to oversee as the Primary President, but not as many compassionate service & welfare needs.  Those can be very taxing on you because they never seem to end.  Most importantly, I was fasting this past Sunday for a few things, one of which was that I would have a good experience in Primary.  And wouldn't you know it, I felt the spirit so strong in Sharing Time that day that it brought tears to my eyes.  I am so excited for my new calling now that I understand what it is I'm supposed to do!  Hopefully I will be good at it!

Oh, and as always, included are some cute pictures of my cute kids! (And yes, I realize that Matthew isn't technically one of my kids, but he might as well be! Those two twinsies are so cute!)

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