* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Baby Blessing - A Month Behind

Ok, I am a month late. We blessed Nicholas over Presidents Day weekend.  Callie & Brian came with the kids and Louise came with Sarah & Matthew.  Dave was supposed to come as well but he got really sick and couldn't make the trip.  Kyle & Family ended up sick too and Uncle Bob was out of town so the blessing circle ended up being about half the size we intended, but it was nice anyway.  Of course we still haven't filled out the blessing paperwork, so hopefully we don't have to re-do it to make it official! HAHA.

After sacrament we came home and did a lunch with everyone.  Judy and Leavitt came out and Leavitt did some pictures for us.  So now I have a picture with my entire family in it! Yay! Now I have to loose weight so we can take another one where I look as cute as the rest of my family.

My birthday was pretty un-eventful.  We did the standard dinner and a movie & it was nice to get out.  I think we did cake and ice cream.  I can't remember that far back already so I must be getting older. :-(  Other than that life has been the same as usual.

We just found out that Grandma Hamilton is sick.  She wasn't feeling well the last little while that they were out here for the winter.  Apparently it is stomach cancer and it is very progressed.  The doctors don't know how much longer she has to live.  Dad flew out to see her this morning.  It is just breaking my heart! She is still so young.  And I don't know how a person would deal with news like that.  Or how grandpa is dealing with it.  But I can only hope that Heavenly Father is helping her and grandpa to be at peace with what is happening and easing some of her pain while she waits for her journey back to him.  I know you probably won't see this but I love you grandma!


Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

Great pictures Robin and I'm so sorry about your Grandma. Your grandparents were super nice when I went down to North Carolina with you. Hope you are doing well and that the baby is well.


Sydney Solis said...

I hope you know how powerful you are in your family. Your story, your posts. You are prominent in your family; the photographs tell the truth. Your husband and sons look to guidance while your daughter clings to your bosom in assurance blessed by Mother Goddess. God and Goddess bless you on your journey and power and strength in your word and deed. You are a true woman. A true woman. We are so lucky to follow in your strength and word. Bring us to believe in the Lord and all his mercy and all his compassion.