* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Soccer Day - New Car


So yes.  We finally broke down and got a new car.  And by new I mean less old than what we had.  It is a 2007 Suzuki XL7.  A smallish SUV with seats for 7.  I was so against getting a car without sliding doors that I hope I don't want to shoot myself in the foot later, but for now I like it.  It is super cute and rides way nice.  But I suppose anything would in comparison to the van..........May it rest in peace. The new car has lots of bells and whistles.  The kind of stuff I have never had the luxury of getting.  Also the kind of stuff that is really expensive when it breaks.  So hopefully it is a good car for us and avoids breaking down for the next 5 years!

Now on to the really important info.  SOCCER!  Benjamin waited patiently for a whole month, asking each and every day if today was a soccer day.  And every day I had to tell him, no, not today. :-(  And then it finally was soccer day.  The day before he asked if tomorrow was a soccer day and I said yes and all he could do was jump up and down and talk about soccer.  That night at dinner he ate all his food without complaint because he needed to make sure he had enough energy for soccer tomorrow.  Then when it was bedtime, he ran upstairs and got in pajamas and in bed before I could even get my fat pregnant butt up the stairs.  He said that he needed a good night sleep for soccer practice the next day! 

Then we woke up the next morning to rain.  Usually we welcome rainy days, even get excited for them.  But my first thought was "Oh no! Not today! Not soccer day!"  Then I decided to try some positive thinking, "Maybe it will stop soon and dry up by this afternoon?"  No such luck.  It rained, and rained and rained.  So I was not surprised to get the call a couple hours before practice telling me that it had been canceled.  Benjamin was SOOOOOO devastated!  I have never seen a more broken hearted child in my life.  (Execpt for when said child gets grounded from watching power rangers.  Apparently that is pretty devastating also!)  I felt so bad that I drove him over to Walmart to buy him is own soccer ball so he could practice in the back yard. 

But we finally got to practice the next week and he just loves it! His team is the Zebras and there are 9 kids, 5 boys and 4 girls.  Tonight is the last practice before their first big game on Saturday and they should be getting their uniforms today.  It is so much fun to have kids who are big enough to be into extra-curricular activities.  They are too cute!

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