* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Beauty Club

Kimberly came home from school a few days ago and as usual I asked her what she did that day.
To which she responded, "Well, I went to Beauty Club".  I then proceeded to ask her what beauty club was.  She told me it was a club her friend started at school on recess.  So I asked her what they do in Beauty Club.  She told me they just walk around together and talk about fashion.

WHAT THE HECK! She is 6 years old.  She doesn't even know what fashion is! Also, she has decided that she is big enough to do her own hair for school.  I tried to protest at first because when she does it, her hair is usually a hot mess or just ridiculous looking.  But she is persistent and insists that it looks good.  So if she is ok with 8 bows in her hair or what ever she wants that day, then I guess I should learn to be ok with it.

Benjamin scored his first goal at his soccer game last Monday night.  He was so excited.  And Zachary turns 2 tomorrow!  I can't believe how fast this year has gone by.  Soon it will be October 1st again and I can start putting out my fall/halloween decorations and gear up for the holidays.  Hopefully the holiday season keeps me distracted from the fact that I am getting really pregnant instead of letting the fact that I am really pregnant ruin my holiday season.

I'm pretty much done being pregnant already.  Which sucks since I have a long way to go still.  But, I am glad I chose the "surprise" route with the baby.  Not knowing the gender gives me just a little bit of excited anticipation to balance out all the dread I have of having to take care of another new born.  Maybe this baby will be cooperative and come out on it's own???  A girl can dream right?

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