* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Thursday, November 1, 2012

October in Review

Daniels Baby #4.  A little camera shy but still a good picture!


I was doing so well in September. :-( But not so much October.  So here is a brief synopsis.

Halloween was last night but it feels like it was dragged on for a whole week this year and I'm exhausted!  Benjamin had a party at his friends house then we had the ward party/trunk-or-treat.  Then we were invited to a party at a neighbors house.  Both Kimberly and Benjamin had parties in their classes and then of course we had the big Halloween Night at my parents house with pizza & trick or treating and Angry Birds.  I was relieved to wake up, tear a sheet off my calendar and see that I had pretty much nothing planned today!  Except delivery of our new couch!

Yes that's right, we have been big spenders at the Daniels house this year.  Our old couch has been very good to us, but I just can't keep it clean with soon to be 8 grubby little hands all over it.  So we had a garage sale, sold some old stuff and made a new couch fund.  It is massive and since we have been couch-less for about 5 days now, it will be nice to have something to sit on back in our family room.

We had our Daniels Family reunion this month.  It was in Bear Lake and it was so nice to experience a little bit of fall.  It was a super long drive for such a short trip but we enjoyed seeing all the family and the kids had way more fun than they could handle at the "fun house".  Plus it was nice that we brought back Dave & Louise's old piano.  Now we have a piano in the living room.  Alan is super excited.  I am a schmuck and didn't take a single photo.  Alan hurt his foot the first 2 hours we were there and ended up on crutches all weekend.  Which made my job twice as hard, so I never made the effort to do extra things like take pictures.  Hopefully someone else will send us copies of theirs and when that happens I'll post more on the trip.

Soccer ended for Benjamin and we had the team party at our house.  He got a team picture and a trophy which he thought was pretty cool. And he wants to play again next year.  I had another ultrasound yesterday.  The baby is pretty big already.  They estimate 5lb. 8oz.  Hopefully I don't have a 9 or 10 pound baby.  I had a hard enough time getting the other 3 smaller ones out. Yikes.  The baby's left kidney is dilated and it shouldn't be.  So I have to go back for another ultra sound in 4 weeks to see if the problem has resolved itself.  Though it was present on the 20 week ultrasound, so I'm betting it will still be an issue.  Hopefully it doesn't end up being a big deal.  One newborn surgery was enough.  I will freak out if I have to do something like what Zachary went through with another child.

Alan got his Diploma in the mail yesterday.  Time to go out this weekend and use Grandma Daniels gift money to buy a frame and get that bad-boy up on the wall! Oh and Kimberly got her first report card (since they don't do them in Kindergarten).  She had all A's and one B+.  So she made the  "Honor Roll" and got a certificate.  She was pretty excited.  Hopefully she is always that excited about school and getting good grades, though I'm sure I see that fading out as she gets older.

I finally put pictures in the frame set that has been hanging on the wall in the play room (empty) for the last 11 months.  I bout the frames on Black Friday last year and decided that I should get something in them before the year mark hit.

Well I think those are the major things.  I'm sure I missed something that happened in October, but if I think of anything else exciting that we did I'll be sure to post it - for posterity since nobody probably reads this.  But that's ok since this is the closest I get to writing in a Journal.  Someday I'll go back and read this and it will be good times, Right?

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