* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Monday, November 4, 2013

September Birthday Extravaganza & Bells Palsy

In following with grand tradition, we had a "September" birthday party.  It was supposed to be a Matthew/Zachary party because it would just be wrong for them to have to party separately.  But since the party was actually happening the day before Kimberly's birthday, she decided she wanted to share.

We had to go back to Phoenix for some Dr. tests on Nicholas' kidneys.  So we did the party while we were out for the weekend.  I ended up spending much of the weekend in the hospital, but after multiple doctor visits, an ultra sound and another nuclear scan, the Dr. has come to the conclusion that Nicholas doesn't need surgery at this point, even though his kidney is still unexplainably dilated..... So we will follow up in 6 months.

The birthday party was fun.  Kimberly got the umbrella that she was dying to get.  Zachary got cars and guys.  That is what he asked for, just 'cars' and 'guys'.  So easy to please.  Kimberly also got the promise of a trip to get her ears pierced.  We took care of that on Monday after we got back and she was thrilled.  The earrings she picked as her trainers were little pink sparkly hearts.  She looks adorable.

The rest of the weekend was spent having game nights at Kelly and Josh's house since Mom and Dad were out of town packing up Grandpa Hamilton to bring him back to AZ, permanently.  A bizarre thing happened while we were playing games on Saturday night.  Alan had been complaining of pain behind his ear for about a day and a half, so we thought he might be getting an ear infection.  Between the time we started our game and the time we finished it a few hours later, Alan's face was completely droopy and paralyzed on the left half.  The pain behind his ear was getting so painful that I gave up around 4 am on September 15 and took him to the ER @ chandler regional.  I thought he was having a stroke!

Turns out he has Bells Palsy.  It is a condition where a virus (usually herpes simplex) attacks the facial nerve on one half of your face and causes complete facial paralysis.  It goes away for most people but about 15% of people who get it, never get better.  Some people heal within 3 or 4 weeks, some people can take a year to get better.  Hopefully for him it goes away eventually. :-( The picture shows a good shot of his lopsided smile.  He cant close the left eye or move any of the muscles, hence the eye patch.  First it's to protect his eye from foreign objects, and second to keep it from drying out.

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