* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Monday, November 4, 2013

Disneyland and Bells Palsy

So if anyone is actually reading this (which I suspect isn't happening), you will notice that there are going to be about 4 or 5 posts in a row on the same date, give or take.  That is because life in CA has been crazy and I just haven't gotten around to updating the blog.  That doesn't mean that some of our life events haven't been worth mentioning, so I am mentioning them now as if I had done it when I was supposed to.

We broke down and got Disneyland season passes.  The kids were so excited!  It has been really fun to use them.  Kimberly, Benjamin and Alan haven't gotten as much use out of them as Zachary, Nicholas and I have, since we have a lot more free time during the day.  We have all been a few times now, but the babies and I go once a week, just for a few hours at a time.  Zachary started praying every night that tomorrow we would "go to Disneyland or Downtown Disney".  It's so stinkin' cute! Since we are limited on the rides when Zachary and Nicholas are with us, we finally got a babysitter for them and took just Kimberly and Benjamin.  Benj is big enough to go on everything except for Indiana Jones.  I think Benjamin's favorite ride was probably the Matterhorn and Kimberly seemed to really enjoy Soaring Over California, in CA Adventure.
Zachary seems overwhelmed no matter what ride we get on, but at the end says "that was awesome" after most of them.  Nicholas LOVES all the stimulation.  We have taken him on all the 'big people' rides he can go on and he has never cried.  He just stares and soaks up all the visual and auditory stimulation.  I love Disneyland.  It really is one of the happiest places on earth!

Alan's face is still a mess.  In fact, it got a lot worse before it started getting better.  After we got back home from AZ, he went to work for a week, but the nerve pain was so bad that he had to take 2 weeks of short term disability leave.  By the end of it he was feeling well enough to go back to work, but he was still uncomfortable.  Unfortunately, he just has to deal with it.  We had a horrible experience with a local neurologist.  They basically didn't believe how debilitating the pain was since Bell's Palsy isn't supposed to cause a ton of pain, usually more like discomfort.  After having a "come to Jesus" with the office manager and firing the Dr. ;-) we finally found a Dr, who would sign off on his medical leave paperwork.  The whole thing has been a nightmare.  Even though the pain is mostly gone he still has zero movement in his face. Hopefully it will start getting better soon.

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