Callie and Brian came to visit this weekend and they brought Olivia. Kimberly and Benjamin couldn't get enough of her. I think seeing the baby made them even more excited to have a new baby at our house. Benjamin was even pretty gentle. As gentle as Benjamin can be that is. :)
I got some comment from a stranger on my last post. He quoted me about how children are a reflection of their parents, basically saying that if my kid was bad it was my fault for setting a bad example. (I can't recall a time when I took a blue ball point pen and colored all over the couch with it????) Then he/she left a web address to an anti-spanking website. Really? You don't have better things to do with your time than browse the blogs of complete strangers and criticize them on their parenting skills?
To this I have one thing to say. It is none of your business how I choose to discipline my children. I stand behind my decision to spank when I feel that the situation calls for it. Not only am I not abusive, I am a very loving parent and if you ask my children they will tell how much I love them. Furthermore, I have a hard time believing that a person who is so against spanking, actually has children of their own and thus could not possibly understand the value of an occasional spanking from a disciplinary standpoint.
Besides ruffling my feathers a little, this completely rude (and probably bleeding heart liberal) individual got me thinking........What other creepy strangers are viewing my blog? Maybe I should go private. Sounds like a pain in the butt to me. Why can't people just mind their own business?
So cute, we need to come visit some time. But I'll be honest and admit that sadly it wont happen this year. Maybe after Jon gets his teaching job and we get rich ;)
Sorry to hear about the crazy who thinks they know better about your kids. I'm only 10 months into this parenting thing, but I have quickly learned that everyone thinks they know better than you. You and Alan are great parents, love you guys and miss you.
Hmmm that reminds me of my wife's recent post.
Crazy!!! I can't believe some of the things people feel entitled to. From what little I've seen you do a great job with your kids. Hopefully crazy will stop dropping by now.
I can't believe someone wrote that! You two are great parents and of course you love your kids. What a nutter!
Thanks again for letting us totally impose on you but it was so fun visiting and playing. Your kids are going to be great big sister/brother! I was super impressed with how nicely they treated Liv. Can't wait to plan the next vacation...when it's a little cooler :)
my thought is that if you have a blog, then you are knowingly putting it all out there for the world to see. that's the point. i don't understand "private blogs," it's a total oxymoron! don't be freaked out, that reader had all the right in the world to view your blog and comment his/her opinion. that said, i think it's cool that you have a new reader. embrace it and see what happens. just my two cents. p.s. your kids are cute :)
Hey you guys. It seems like forever since we have seen you. You're new baby is super cute.
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