Last week Benjamin woke up and came into our room around 6:30 am. He said good morning and then took a blue pen and piece of paper off of Alan's night stand and headed for the living room. Benjamin is very good at coloring and I wasn't too worried. Nevertheless, Alan got up 5 minutes later to retrieve the pen. Unfortunately there is a first time for everything and 5 minutes is an eternity for a two year old with a pen. Benjamin had colored all over our couch. And I don't mean little spots here and there, I mean ALL OVER! I was too mad to think about taking a picture of the whole couch before we started cleaning it. But I have posted a picture of the couch's arm and you can just imagine that, but on the whole thing! It took hours and hours of scrubbing then a good cycle through the washing machine and the couch finally looks like it did before that blackest of mornings. Actually it looks cleaner. Thank heaven for microfiber! Benjamin was of course punished with a spanking and a time out. Then he got the opportunity to help clean up his mess. He wasn't very helpful and probably actually thought it was fun, (which kind of defeats the purpose) but making him help clean up the mess made mommy and daddy feel better.
Oh, and FYI, you should clean out your drains now and then. We have been in the house for a little over a year now and have only recently had our shower stopped draining. So we took off the drain cover to clean out the clog, only to find a glob of hair as big as a new born baby! It was so disgusting and smelly that this pregnant lady almost lost her breakfast. I had to call Alan in to come and dispose of it. Oh and just so you know, there is no possible way that all of that hair could be from me. Some of it had to have come from the previous owners. If it was all mine, I would likely be bald right now!
haha. Nniicce. Guess you'll remember to clean out your drain a little more often!
Benjamin is so funny.
My first comment is "gross!" I almost lost my lunch looking at that.
We hadn't had our microfiber couches for too long when Erin and her little friend decorated it with red marker, and I was in the other room just out of sight. I was a little mad, but it came out. And so have many, many other similar stains over the years.
To answer your other question, I am due on Saturday, but the others have come late so who knows? There's still more painting to do anyway...
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