* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Saturday, September 3, 2011

So much has happened!

Well, a lot has happened since I posted last. I'm not even sure where to start. To avoid this being a 10 page post I am going to hit the highlights.

1. We moved into our new house!!! It is beautiful and I love it. It is so cozy and there is so much space. I don't feel overwhelmed and closed in. It is definitely worth the extra 10 minutes to town. Well at least it is for me, I'm not the one driving it every day. But Alan seems happy too.

2. Kimberly started Kindergarten. It is hard to believe I have a kid old enough to be in school. She really loves it and has finally started to adjust to the fact that she can't do whatever she wants whenever she wants. She has had to "flip her apple" for not "making good choices" twice already. Her seat was also moved in the first week to the "square table" which is essentially the isolation table because she has a hard time not socializing when she should be working. It has been a month and she was switched back to a table with friends this week. We will see how it goes.

3. Benjamin started Pre-School. He loves it. He is way more excited to go to school than Kimberly is. It is only 2 times a week but he wakes up every morning asking if he gets to go to school today. He is the youngest in his class but he keeps up with all the other kids. He is so thoughtful of the other kids. Always giving toys to them and suggesting they take turns. Even though he is my rambunctious child he is also my "sweet" child.

4. Zachary is mobile now. Though he hasn't taken to crawling in the traditional format. He army crawls. I saw him crawl the regular way the other day for the first time so I know he can do it, I think he just prefers to army crawl. He is really fast. 11 months old but nowhere near walking yet. He has, however, managed to master the stairs. The baby gate finally went up this week. We don't want any broken heads. He only has 2 teeth still.

5. Alan has reached the halfway point in his Master Degree program. I am so proud of him. It doesn't give him a ton of free time, but luckily our new office is dark and cool and pleasant to spend a lot of time in!

That is about it for now. I feel so much better lately. Most likely due to the fact that Kimberly is now in school and we have more of a daily routine. Plus Benjamin is way more manageable when he and Kimberly aren't squabbling all day. And I am sure the daily doses of Paxil aren't hurting either. ;-) I have closed on some houses so we have a little money in the bank and are starting to replenish our year supply. I have been good about reading my scriptures and saying prayers daily. We even have family prayer and scripture study most nights and usually squeeze in a FHE once a week. I feel like everything is going so well right now. Like we are doing what we are supposed to be doing and we are mostly happy. Strange how that works huh?

The pictures are of the formal living & dining in the new house, Kimberly on the first day of school, Zachary mastering the stairs and the kids hanging out in their new play room.


Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

I'm so glad things are going well, and that you are feeling well. Wish I could see you


Sarah said...

YAY!! That's exciting. I think it's hilarious how you had to come out here to buy your house :D Too bad the house isn't in Utah though... haha glad all is going will for you :)