* Alan * Robin * Kimberly * Benjamin *Zachary * Nicholas *

The Daniels Family - California Edition

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's A Boy!

Ok, so I am a little behind on this announcement. But most of you have already heard the news via Facebook. We had our first (and probably only) ultrasound about a week and a half ago and discovered we are having another boy! Kimberly and Benjamin came with us and were actually pretty excited to see the baby on the TV............for about 5 minutes. Too bad the appointment took about 40 minutes! Alan is pretty excited to be having another boy. He wanted a playmate for Benjamin. I didn't really care about the baby's gender either way. And Kimberly, well, she was less devastated than I expected. I fully expected to hear crying and tantrums when she found out that she wasn't getting a sister. She whined for a bit, then went through some denial, then she pouted. But by the end of the visit I think she was pretty much over it. Kimberly is very excited to have a baby period. She thinks she will be a big helper. She even told me that she would change the poopy diapers. Too bad I can't actually take her up on that offer. We tried to let her change one of Benjamin's once, that didn't go so well! :) Maybe if there is a baby #4 she can be the manager of poopy diapers. We are a little stuck on a name. I had one picked out if the baby was a girl. But don't really have a clue on a boys name. I am open to suggestions and would appreciate any. Keep in mind that I am not in to obscure names. I like good, solid, well established names. None of this squishing two names together or making up something that nobody has ever heard of. Also, I probably won't double up so any name already taken by a parent, sibling or cousin is likely to be out. Too bad we have such a big family and Dave & Louise already took half of the good names!

The baby is breech right now. Probably because the placenta is on the back of my uterus. Not a big deal, but his facing backward made it very hard to get a good face shot. A bit disappointing. We only got one 3-D face shot and it is kind of hard to see. There is one of what looks like him sucking his thumb and a good one of the hand. I like to call it his "Titanic" pose!


Laura said...

Congratulations on another boy! Out kid will have someone else to wrestle with.

By the way, we got the Sea-bands at Walmart for like 8 or 9 bucks and they say they work for morning sickness too. Definitely worth trying.

Nanette said...

We are big fans of using last names as firsts in this house. Murdock is my mother's maiden name. Watson (that's the name of our second) is also a family name. I guess that makes me fall under the catagory of "out there" names. I also love Tennyson and Lincoln. But lets see... I love Bible names too, have you considered Noah or Joseph? Or Levi? Or David? All good solid names. :) Good luck!

makana said...

Wahoo! Thats great news

Aaron, Vicki Tunell said...

Congratulations! Poor Kimberly, but I'm glad she wasn't too upset. http://avtunellfamily.blogspot.com/2007/12/it-boy.html
In the comments there are some name suggestions. Hope you are doing well


Callie said...

Glad to hear that Kimberley took the news like a champ. What a gal! What happened to the name Seth? Or are you still trying to do the multiple syllabol thing to keep in style with the other two? Oh I can't wait to see you guys :) how you feeling?

Callie said...

I am a dork...I spelled Kimberly's name wrong. My deepest apologies!